Damn I can't explain enough how much I really love this show, every new episode is GODLIKE!
Damn I can't explain enough how much I really love this show, every new episode is GODLIKE!
I'm in a really bad place mentally right now, and this actually made me burst when Kuma started juggling her lol
Tysm for the work, been a fan for years since the GG animated!
I really don't understand why people just give you a low score, and don't even comment. Haters smokin on that miserable pack
Great stuff!
Amazing. Just amazing.
Amazing job, instant NG classics. The only thing I really could not even force myself to like is xXsquidwardXx part. Seems like I'm getting too old for such stuff.
my baby brain loves xXsquidwardXx 's part
This is as NewGrounds as it gets. Love it.
Outstanding job. Both animation, and music! Can't wait for part 2.
Making some musical stuff.
Acc design by KetchupDaddy and Suranu
Age 29, Russian
Joined on 4/22/20